(6) Wealthy Affiliate, an Online Affiliate Marketing Program

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Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate


Course Name    :  Wealthy Affiliate
Address                  :  wealthyaffiliate.com
Owner                     :  Kyle
Recommended? :  Yes

What this article provides

  • why a real course is required
  • what Wealthy Affiliate is
  • what is included in Wealthy Affiliate membership:
  • website hosting and tool
  • WordPress content management system
  • Jaaxy lite keyword research tool
  • certification and bootcamp courses
  • support and community
  • free starter account
  • premium member account
  • WA’s own affiliate program
  • Conclusion. Is it worth it?

Why a real course is required

This affiliatemarketingdebunked.com site gives an introduction to the affiliate marketing business. To learn in more details and start a real affiliate marketing business, an affiliate marketing course is required. Such course can provide more detailed information, more thorough knowledge, tools, support, and the environment than what this site can give.

For a recommendation, we’ll get into a well-known, well established online affiliate marketing program, Wealthy Affiliate.

What Wealthy Affiliate is

It is an affiliate marketing course that comes in complete package. It provides required knowledge, tools, and support to get into affiliate marketing business. Wealthy Affiliate (WA) has members from 195 countries, and is cited as the most helpful community in the world. The following examination might help in making a decision to join it.

What’s included in Wealthy Affiliate membership

Website hosting and tool

Website hosting is included in Wealthy Affiliate (WA) membership. One WA account is entitled to as many as 50 websites (25 under siterubix.com + 25 with own domain names). Among the hosting features are fast hosting speed, 30 GB space, security, unlimited email accounts, and 24-hour regular backup, which are well over the average required to run an affiliate marketing business.

creating a website using siterubix
creating a website using siterubix

The website platform at WA is SiteRubix, a very useful and integrated tools for website management, analysis, ranking, and security. It is also very easy to use.

One very convenient feature one click login for every site, which does not require us to remember login password for each site we own. Only the one click is necessary to login from within the Wealthy Affiliate account.

one click login
one click login

Content management system (CMS)

WA uses WordPress content management system, one of the easiest-to-use CMS available, and its installation is very easy at Wealthy Affiliate. Building a website with WordPress is quick and easy.

Keyword research tool

Wealthy Affiliate provided a simple keyword tool. Now, it has upgraded it to Jaaxy, in Lite version, for free, for premium Wealthy Affiliate members. For more specific information about Jaaxy, please visit the Jaaxy review page.

06 jaaxy in wa
Jaaxy at Wealthy Affiliate

Course Materials and Trainings

WA provides the courses with videos. There are 2 courses: certification courses which cover the basics, and the bootcamp courses, which covers the advanced bits. Courses are presented in well structured and phased lessons.

The lessons are easy to navigate and to jump between. Each lesson is ended with tasks to help WA members improving their presence in affiliate marketing business.

The 5 certification courses at Wealthy Affiliate
The 5 certification courses at Wealthy Affiliate

Support and Community.

Good, responsive support is essential when exploring a new terrain and taking new adventures. At Wealthy Affiliate, help is easily accessible by typing any term in the help box. Topics containing the search term will show up, with topics discussed by WA community members.

The WA helpbox
The WA helpbox

Whenever a member needs to ask a new question, a box is available at the bottom of the replies. Replies to the question is usually very responsive, especially concerning technical matters related to site building. It is very convenient.

The community at WA (mainly the members) is very helpful. The WA platform is set up to allow the members to communicate through discussion easily, thus allowing them to support each other and to help completing the tasks in the courses.

Free starter account

Ease and cost of joining could be the main decision consideration whether to join an affiliate marketing course.

To get a hold of WA courses, a free starter account is available. An email address is required to register and create the account.

The starter account gives 2 websites, the beginner training course, limited keyword research tool capability, live help (for 7 days), and some other features.

Premium member account

The free starter account alone is enough to get a new affiliate marketer to get a feel before going full to a premium account. The premium account (at $49 per month) provides more features, such as 50 websites, unlimited keyword searches, lite version of Jaaxy keyword tool, website analysis, and much better support.

Wealthy Affiliate’s own affiliate program

Wealthy Affiliate also has its own affiliate program. Through this program members can promote WA and secure commission from it.

Is joining Wealthy Affiliate worth it?

I a word, yes. It is a very comprehensive affiliate marketing course with excellent features which will help an affiliate marketing learner to gain necessary knowledge and practice to smoothly enter the affiliate marketing business.

Overall, Wealthy Affiliate provides good courses, trainings, tools, and support beyond what is required to build an affiliate marketing site.  Joining is easy with an email account. Interested learner can start with a free account before going with a paid premium account. If you are now confident that affiliate marketing is worth explored, you can click here to join.

For some tips on joining Wealthy Affiliate, see lesson (7).

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an easy introduction to affiliate marketing